Chinese Herbal Medicine
In Chinese herbal medicine, herbs are combined into special formulas. These formulas result in synergetic energy: the effects of combined usage are bigger than when used separately.
Synergetic energy
TCM became well known in the West because of acupuncture. Therefore acupuncture is still better known than Chinese herbal medicine. In China, however, Chinese herbal medicine is the more common way of treating disease.
Only in the last few years, with China being more accessible, herbal medicine is taking its rightful place as the pillar of the Chinese medicinal system.
In Chinese herbal medicine, herbs are combined into special formulas. These formulas result in synergetic energy: the effects of combined usage are bigger than when used separately. The composition of the formula is adjusted to the client’s energy system.
Special pharmacy
We shall order the prescribed herbs for you from a recognised pharmacy, specialized in Chinese herbal medicine. In our practice, most patients will be treated with a combination of acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine .
“Since I’m using Chinese herbs, I feel like my old self: energetic and fit, after having been exhausted for a long time since my daughter was born.”